The following article is authored by Mercadona included in magazine of Employers Directory 2021/22.

Silvia Silva – Logistics Block Coordinator Póvoa de Varzim
My route in Mercadona It's been really, really amazing.
A constant ascent and bet on my abilities. I started as an administrator, I was proposed to be in charge and now I am the first woman coordinator of the logistics block.
What I most admired here was the mutual help, the team spirit and the understanding for not knowing something yet.
The company gives its employees the necessary training, gives them the tools and allows people's effort and dedication to create careers.
When I was promoted to coordinator it was a shock, because they saw capabilities in me that I was unaware of. I felt mixed emotions.
Promoted at 42 years old, I am an example that opportunities do not choose ages and for me it is a resounding victory, as a woman, as a mother, as a daughter, to know that I am capable, and to be able to show all women that I am too, of rising in an area that is socially stereotyped as being for men.
Functions in the logistics block are performed by both sexes and here, in the Mercadona, we are all equal: for the same responsibility, we receive the same and we are all treated equally.
Gratitude is one of the things I am most aware of for the vote of confidence they gave me, for the opportunity.
I did not know strictly anything about the functions that I had been carrying out throughout my career and the Mercadona it gave me all the tools, it gave me a handful of everything, which allowed me to get to where I am today.
If you asked me 2 years ago if I expected this and saw myself where I am today, I would say no.
A Mercadona she was the 1st to believe in me and show me that I am capable.
“My effort and dedication were seen"

João Braga – Meat Monitor
My history goes back to the beginnings of the company in Portugal. As soon as they started recruiting the store, I applied and was one of the selected employees.
The company's commitment to internal promotion is notorious and I am one of those examples. I will be honest, I expected to be promoted because I knew I was capable of more, but I never thought it would happen so quickly.
In a space of months they promoted me to a role that matched my experience as a butcher and my taste for the area.
I felt valued, because my effort and dedication were seen. The effort is a lot, but the value they give us is greater.
In addition to investing in our capabilities, they give us tools through constant training, which allows us to evolve as professionals and as people.
A Mercadona, gives us both personal independence, at a financial level, and professionally, in the vote of confidence in our decision-making.
Professionally, I feel fulfilled with what I do, because I do what I like. On a personal level, the economic factor is impressive, as this career advancement allows me a better quality of life.
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