BNP Paribas: Create a positive impact on society, side by side with employees

BNP Paribas: Creating a positive impact on society, side by side with employees | Talent Portugal Blog
Communication is an essential point in the policy of Employer Branding do BNP Paribas in Portugal, with its customers, and above all, its employees.

This article is part of the special “Employer Branding Best Practices” published in the January 2024 edition of Human Resources, within the Employer Branding Conference 2024, promoted by Talent Portugal.

We aim to invest in the growth and satisfaction of our people, an objective that can only be achieved when they feel part of a project with a clear vision..

Vera Nobre Leitao – Head of Communications

The strategy of Employer Branding do BNP Paribas Portugal is based on two major axes, which Vera Nobre Leitão, Head of Communications of the Group, contextualizes: «The internal, construction and investment in our culture as an organization and which, being coherent, plays an important role in retaining our people; and, in parallel, the axis of external communicationWhich enables externally share the commitments, mission and values ​​of BNP Paribas in Portugal".

The same person in charge also adds that when the company communicates internally, they work, above all, on “the vector of consistency, the focus on concrete examples of strategic pillars and content that, in some way, creates bridges with people's tastes/interests, in order to increase engagement and ensure that communication is effective».

A Employee Value Proposition (EVP) of the Group in Portugal is based precisely on an analysis, together with the employees and the leadership of the Group, on the central pillars of the company's uniqueness and value offering, "both for those who already work with us and for those who may come to do so".

The creation of a more structured strategy thus arose from a need to be closer to the people in the company and this objective is present in all actions developed in this context. «We intend to invest in growing and satisfaction of our people, an objective only achieved when they feel part of a project with a clear vision”, explains Vera Nobre Leitão. For this reason, the priority is to openly share the projects that lead the Group to achieve the objectives of each pillar of the company’s EVP. «We encourage our employees to be the best version of themselves, expanding your skills through tailor-made personal development plans and constant evolution», he adds.

From an external perspective, it is important to clearly demonstrate the Group's vision in Portugal and the objectives it sets for each area. This happens, for example, in the area of ​​attracting talent, and it is essential to share a realistic message externally about the culture of the Group. BNP Paribas, be the commitments to sustainability, events such as the Diversity Week or the Career Days, without forgetting the hybrid work regime. Furthermore, the external communication of corporate culture reflects a feeling of pride in employees, which are recognized in the transparency effort and the organization initiatives.

For a positive communication result, one of the challenges is be able to reach all employees efficiently do BNP Paribas Portugal, which has more than 8000 people working physically in the country, between Lisbon and Porto. In Vera Nobre Leitão's view, in order to reach so many people, the Group's internal communication, as well as communication in general, has had to reinvent itself in recent years, directly affected by social networks and a much shorter "span of attention". However, the person in charge still has a positive view of this finding. "Although challenging, I believe that this dilution of attention has forced creating a filter for all initiatives, advancing only those that we know are capable of build bridges with teams, generate engagement quality illustrate our values», he reveals.

Bet on sustainability

The EVP of BNP Paribas Portugal is based on the following premise: “A international leader in sustainability, who develop your potential, on one positive and open environment”. Sustainability is, in this sense, an area in which the BNP Paribas wants to continue to establish itself as an international leader, by supporting customers in the energy transition, with the aim of create a positive impact on society, at a social and civic level. Materializing the importance of this ambition, the BNP Paribas Portugal is actively investing in internal programs designed to help employees reduce their carbon footprint, organizing equally sustainability programs for your clients, not forgetting the Net-Zero commitment and projects linked to philanthropy. «Our vision is to support, in a sustained way, the growth of all our employees, under the motto “one group, multiple opportunities”, betting on offering growth opportunities, integrated internal mobilityae, above all, in building a future that is made by the employee», shares the Communications manager.

To ensure that the message is as objective as possible, it is communicated internally through all of the company's channels: intranet, newsletters, internal television. Externally, all available channels are used to convey the message that they feel is quite clear about who they are and what the company's values ​​are: social networks, media, events, among many others.

For this communication strategy, it was essential to analyze people's behavior and the desired objectives. For the Group, it was essential convey a message of belonging, common culture quality future for employees. “We want people to understand where we are and where we are going. That’s why it’s important to revive this message.” As for society, the intention is provide visibility on the Group's action, work achieved, the projects developed and positive impact that they try to have every day. Tennis and cinema are two pillars that the Group has been investing in and Portugal is no exception. These are two good examples of the work that the BNP Paribas is doing through its EVP, but there are more. «We try to promote a inclusive and positive work environment. We were the first company to sign the commitment #Neversanselles in Portugal, where our senior management is committed to not participating in panels in which women do not participate", begins Vera Nobre Leitão. On the other hand, and because they know that their employees value a hybrid work regime, Portugal is the only country in which the Group has a Smart Working program with up to 60% working from home. Finally, and due to the support for the tennis sector, the company created «a new tennis team – BNP Paribas Rising Stars, in which they support the five best tennis players between the ages of 12 and 14, in order to contribute to the promoting excellence and para better training opportunities among young people in high-level competition sports».

For Vera Nobre Leitão, this “new” strategy will be successful “if our employees know our EVP and, through it, feel included e valued ». In this sense, for the future, the objective is continue to invest in diversification, both internally and externally. “Our values ​​as an employer brand and as a company in general can be conveyed in projects as varied as tennis or cinema, education or sustainability, or Rock in Rio. We aim to be where people are to to be closer e communicate more efficiently», concludes.

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