Employer Branding: companies are not what they used to be. The (r)evolution of the employee/employer relationship

Employer Branding: companies are no longer what they used to be. The (r)evolution of the employee/employer relationship | Talent Portugal blog
The human environment of companies, which has always existed in practice, together with the (r) evolution of the employee / worker relationship, leads to the creation of companies more concerned with the happiness of their employees.

1. I was once looking at the wedding photos of a colleague from the headquarters in Lisbon: simple photos, of happiness and intimacy, of a great moment in the life of that couple. As I started to appreciate them, I noticed that a large part of the friends invited to the wedding were co-workers. And I started to realize that there was a natural connection between co-workers and their closest circles of friendship. In the same company, however, there were several marriages between colleagues, the result of the “married” age of many of the employees. The dichotomy of personal / professional life is often spoken of, as if companies were aseptic and depersonalized entities.... My experience has told me otherwise. We spend a lot of time in our lives working with other people, other human beings that we also love (or not...). We end up sharing joys and sorrows, often for a long period of our lives. In addition to family and other circles of friends, the human environment of companies is a “community” aspect of life sharing. Even more relevant in a society that tends to be fragmented.

2. In parallel, the phenomenon of (r) evolution of the employee / employer relationship. Before, it was a privilege for a company to offer a job. The submissive worker responded to the advertisement that corresponded to his profile, often without even knowing which company was hiring him. The interviews took place, as a natural selection process, in which the company assumed the dominant role. Even today, many companies, in anachronistic processes, maintain this role. But the “talent market” is changing (the name suggests it, when it comes to replace the “job market”). The relationship is now more balanced. Both, employee and employer, must present their “value proposition”, must be “attractive”, and start your “dating”, which will result, not in “hiring”, but in the “collaboration project” with the company. And if we look at “heated” markets, such as information technology, the situation is reversed and we have already observed companies looking for candidates with the same procedure that candidates used to look for companies before… Then comes theEMPLOYER BRANDING” as a way of promoting the attractiveness of companies.

3. So what does point 1 have to do with 2? - The human environment of companies, which has always existed in practice, together with the (r) evolution of the employee / worker relationship, leads to the creation of companies more concerned with the happiness of their employees, which promote a good relationship between them, with more comfortable environments, in the background creating more humane companies. These are concerned with creating welcoming, “fun” spaces, “cool offices”, with various activities to “pamper” employees. But in order to attract candidates, they have to effectively communicate this new way of being, through Employer Branding.

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