How were they born? Who is behind the project?
The project was born from the identification of a “human resources paradox”: on the one hand, global companies heavily recruiting qualified professionals in information technology, engineering, finance, languages, etc., often having difficulty in hiring, and on the other the existence of a qualified generation, the likes of which has never existed in Portugal before, but with difficulty in finding employment in our country, often needing to emigrate.
A Talent Portugal arises from a set of initiatives carried out by TICE (Information, Communication and Electronic Technologies Hub) and the Eurocloud Portugal association, which, since 2012, have organized meetings and studies, in order to seek solutions in human resources, infrastructures and incentives for these companies.
What is the objective? How are they financed?
In this framework, the Talent Portugal emerges as the “new talent community, a meeting point for candidates, companies and institutions, located on the west coast of Europe”.
Owns the website which, with the motto “All about top hiring companies!”, provides a completely innovative platform in Portugal, presenting on a “company page” all the information that a candidate wants to know about a company and that would be very difficult to find: locations, left-wing company, videos, photos, news, and of course, job offers).
We attach great importance to the informal relationship between members of the community with an effective exchange of contacts, always with the objective of increasing the employability of the sector, favoring the growth of talent in companies and the genuine happiness of employees.
What first results can they give?
As part of the launch, two studies were carried out. The first, with a sample of 13 large companies, revealed that together they employed 2.900 workers in the last two years and intend to employ another 3.700.. These figures extrapolated to the entire sector clearly demonstrate its potential employer.
The number of registrants at the International Job Fair, in its first edition, reached more than nine hundred.
There is a strong appetite for the concept of community and digital and physical communication among members of the community, which proves the effectiveness of the concept.
For which sectors and with what functions?
Currently, the sectors target are those of information technologies, engineering centers, shared service centers and centers customer service. However, we have found that other areas, such as industry, retail, commerce or tourism, have similar talent needs, which is why our goal is to extend the community model to all other sectors.