Entravoid the Olga Nunes, coordinator Internships Program INOV Contacto, during the 34th AEIST Jobshop:
"The INOV Contacto is an international internship program, created and managed by AICEP Portugal Global, to train Portuguese talent, support the internationalization of companies and promote Portugal's image in the world.
É aimed at young people with higher education, focused on the development of international skills, through integration in leading companies, spread over 85 countries for the period of 6 to 9 months.
Os interships are paid. They include the value of the scholarship, accommodation allowance, food allowance, insurance and round-trip travel.
In conclusion, with the program's success, the young person will be part of the network Network Contact, which is an exclusive and innovative social network of internationalization, which keeps around 5.500 people connected."
Interested in finding out more?
Find out below how you can apply for INOV Contacto!