Categoria: Agricultura e Pescas

Dec 27
Trabalhar em Agricultura e Pescas em Portugal

If you would like to work in agriculture and fisheries, discover companies that are looking for professionals in the field.

Dec 12
VidaEdu – Tudo sobre interships e voluntariados internacionais

If you're looking for the experience of a lifetime, check out VidEdu and experience the cultures of every country you travel to! What are you waiting for?

  • +++++ >200 employees
Nov 29
INOV Contacto – O início marcante de uma carreira internacional

“One of the great advantages of the Inov Contacto Program is the contact young people have with reality, but in an international environment.”

  • ++++ 51 - 200 employees
Nov 25
Randstad – Talentos que procuram talentos

Randstad is the largest provider of HR services nationally and internationally, and aims to become the most valued work-life partner for talent worldwide

  • |||||||| 10001+ employees
Nov 24
VidaEdu – A experiência da tua vida!

Vida Edu specializes in educational experiences abroad, the focus is on finding the best particular program so that each person has a truly enriching experience. Do you want to discover which destination to follow? Talk to us!

  • +++++ >200 employees
Oct 19
Symington Family Estates – À procura dos talentos mais brilhantes.

Working at Symington is a rewarding and inspiring experience. There is a welcoming and collaborative work environment. Send your spontaneous application for intership and job offers.

  • ||||| 501 - 1.000 employees
Jun 28
Jerónimo Martins – O que nos torna diferentes

Are you looking for an intership? At Jerónimo Martins we enhance your professional development in a fast learning environment, in a challenging and competitive industry. Apply now!

  • +++++ >200 employees
Jan 27
INOV Contacto – Uma experiência Única!

"INOV does not close stories. It starts them by opening paths for personal, continuous development and constant readiness for new challenges."

  • ++++ 51 - 200 employees
Set 30
INOV Contacto, interships internacionais remunerados em +85 países

O INOV Contacto is a paid international intership program, aimed at young people up to 29 years old, with higher education.

  • ++++ 51 - 200 employees
Nov 22
INOV Contacto – “A minha experiência não podia ser mais positiva.”

A INOV Contacto is looking for new talents and you can be who they are looking for! Find out more about intership programs and the numerous advantages of collaborating with this company.

  • ++++ 51 - 200 employees