Categoria: Employer branding

Dec 13
Open Day do Clan promove 20 vagas em Sintra

Are you looking for a job? Clan will be holding an Open Day with several opportunities for you in Sintra. Find out more in this article!

Dec 10
Open Day do Clan promove 30 vagas em Viseu

Are you looking for a job? Clan has several opportunities in the food sector in Viseu. Find out more in this article!

Nov 29
Nutrium: Pode a nutrição ajudar a atrair e reter talento?

With ambitious plans to expand globally, Nutrium has launched an innovative program to shape the future of the nutrition sector.

Nov 29
NTT Data Portugal: Proatividade na resposta à mudança

Na NTT DATA Portugal, the strategy of Employer Branding plays a fundamental role in transmitting the values ​​and principles that it intends to project onto the market.

Nov 29
Noesis: As pessoas no centro do sucesso

In an increasingly competitive market, Noesis has been standing out through a strategy of Employer Branding that places the employee at the center of the organization.

Nov 29
Urban Sports Club: Promover o desporto para equipas felizes e produtivas

The Urban Sports Club was created over 10 years ago and is currently operating in five European countries. Through a monthly subscription, companies can access a network of partners to practice sports anytime, anywhere, contributing to healthier and happier teams.

Nov 29
Câmara Municipal do Porto: Humanização da gestão de pessoas

A closer relationship and more humanized People Management is Porto City Council's response to the challenge of attracting and retaining talent.

Nov 29
Inditex: Valorização da marca empregadora

At Inditex, the strategy of Employer Branding It is fundamental and its main objective is to enhance the brand as an employer and provide a quick response to business needs.

Nov 29
Galp: Da diferenciação à resiliência

At a time when the energy sector is in transition, Galp wants to be at the forefront and promises to continue investing in innovation to attract the best talent.

Nov 29
Multipessoal: O papel transformador de cada um

Na Multipessoal, we are looking for transformative people who want to change the future of employment and promote a more inclusive and sustainable world. Objective: to be the first choice in the world of work.

Nov 29
Fnac: Arquitetura de marca focada no colaborador

For Fnac, employees continue to be the brand's best calling cards. In this sense, the strategy of Employer Branding aims to provide the best experience internally.

Nov 29
El Corte Inglés: Apostar numa proposta de valor forte

O El Corte Inglés was one of the first companies in Portugal to create and publish its Employee Value Proposition (EVP).