Categoria: Plano de Pensões

Oct 18
Siemens – Cá dentro, todos têm uma palavra uma dizer

Na Siemens We value people who have initiative, a desire to learn and collaborate and who embrace the company's values.

  • +++++ >200 employees
Oct 11
Voltalia – Uma família apaixonada por energias renováveis

Local development and sustainability go hand in hand. If you are also passionate about renewable energy, submit your application! Together for a greener future.

  • +++++ >200 employees
Oct 11
Tabaqueira – Juntos somos melhores.

Tabaqueira makes a very relevant contribution to the national economy: in addition to creating value and jobs, it attracts investment and is one of the main exporters in Portugal.

  • ||||| 501 - 1.000 employees
Dec 12
Axians – Uma equipa preparada para enfrentar desafios tecnológicos

More than participating in challenging projects, working on Axians It’s knowing that your contribution has a real impact on society. Submit your application for intership or employment and live this experience.

  • |||||| 1001 - 10000 employees
Dec 10
AXA GO – As tuas expectativas importam!

By interning at AXA GO, you gain access to lots of different opportunities to grow your career! See here how we recruit.

  • ++++ 51 - 200 employees
Dec 10
EDP – A nossa energia e paixão impulsionam um futuro melhor.

We are committed to attracting diverse profiles and including each person who joins EDP. We are looking for people who, like us, choose the Earth.

  • |||||||| 10001+ employees
Dec 06
Natixis – Tens o #PurpleFactor?

Join Natixis, where you can make a difference and reach your full potential! Because you deserve much more than a job.

  • +++++ >200 employees
Dec 01
GMV – Atreva-se a projetar o seu Futuro

Na GMV you don't just participate in something already built, we include you in all the discovery and contribute with your ideas!

  • +++ 21 - 50 employees
Nov 29
Hovione – Vamos fazer coisas incríveis juntos.

If you want to develop your career in a solid company, see the opportunities we have for you. Contributing to improving the lives of millions of patients can be in your hands.

  • |||||| 1001 - 10000 employees
Nov 27
Axians – A transformação digital conta contigo

Na Axians We want different profiles to start your career. The focus of this search is on software development. If this is your chance? Of course, it grows with each project!

  • |||||| 1001 - 10000 employees
Nov 21
AXA Group Operations – Molda o futuro que desejas

A AXA Group Operations is an integral part of AXA, serving more than 100 million people around the world.

  • ++++ 51 - 200 employees
Nov 20
Vodafone – Junta-te a nós para evoluirmos em conjunto!

Are you interested in being part of the path to a better future with Vodafone? Discover all the programs we have for you and send your application for intership or employment.

  • |||||| 1001 - 10000 employees