Categoria: Engenharia

Dec 30
Engenharia química: tarefas e empresas para trabalhar

Find out more about the professional offer for the chemical engineering area, namely the tasks to be performed and the companies they recruit.

Dec 27
Se procuras trabalho como engenheiro civil, este artigo é para ti

How do I know which companies I can apply to? We help.

Dec 27
Estas são as empresas que procuram candidatos em engenharia mecânica

Are you trained in mechanical engineering and looking for work? Find companies looking for candidates with your profile.

Dec 27
Mais de 180 empresas recrutam na área da engenharia eletrotécnica

Are you or want to start your career? Almost all companies are receptive to intership projects.

Oct 18
Siemens – Cá dentro, todos têm uma palavra uma dizer

Na Siemens We value people who have initiative, a desire to learn and collaborate and who embrace the company's values.

  • +++++ >200 employees
Dec 12
Brisa – Tudo sobre o Programa de Trainees

Know everything about the Trainee Program Grupo Brisa. And don't forget, submit your application!

  • |||||| 1001 - 10000 employees
Nov 27
Brisa – Move-te em direção ao futuro e à sustentabilidade

What do we aspire to? Transform the quality of life of communities and connect people through simple and sustainable mobility.

  • |||||| 1001 - 10000 employees
Nov 16
Pinto & Cruz – Acreditamos no teu potencial

Na Pinto & Cruz We believe in the potential of our employees, partners and customers and that together we can go further.

  • ||||| 501 - 1.000 employees
Oct 19
Airbus – Pioneiros do aeroespaço sustentável

We “Make Things Fly”, connect and protect people and are pioneers in innovation and sustainability in the aviation industry.

  • +++++ >200 employees
Set 27
Acciona Facility Services – Cresce with us e ACCIONA-Te

ACCIONA Facility Services offers stability, dynamism and integration into multidisciplinary teams to professionals with vision and ambition to grow.

  • |||||| 1001 - 10000 employees
Feb 02
Siemens – Transparência e Comunicação

Na Siemens, we believe that people are the ones who have the ability to change the world. Find out in this article what we look for in our candidates and join us!

  • +++++ >200 employees
Feb 01
Pinto & Cruz – Junta-te à nossa Família!

"I feel that here we all belong to a big family where we are respected and valued, with a relationship of companionship between all the company's employees."

  • ||||| 501 - 1.000 employees