Categoria: Seguro de saúde para família

Oct 18
Visteon – Projetos inovadores para construir o futuro do setor automóvel

With Visteon you have the opportunity to work in the technology and automotive sector, in an international environment. Here we tell you how the recruitment process is!

  • |||||||| 10001+ employees
Oct 11
Voltalia – Uma família apaixonada por energias renováveis

Local development and sustainability go hand in hand. If you are also passionate about renewable energy, submit your application! Together for a greener future.

  • +++++ >200 employees
Oct 11
Tabaqueira – Juntos somos melhores.

Tabaqueira makes a very relevant contribution to the national economy: in addition to creating value and jobs, it attracts investment and is one of the main exporters in Portugal.

  • ||||| 501 - 1.000 employees
Dec 12
Kaizen Gaming – Redefine a GameTech e molda o teu futuro!

Redefine GameTech and shape your future! If you are looking for opportunities that will make you take the real leap, find out more about Kaizen Gaming!

  • |||| 201 - 500 employees
Dec 12
A COFCO investe em tecnologias e infraestruturas, e tu? Investe em ti, com a COFCO!

Do you want to be part of something bigger? Consider COFCO Internacional. Whether you are a recent graduate or an experienced professional. Submit your application

  • +++++ >200 employees
Dec 12
CrossJoin – Junta-te à nossa Academia CrossMind

Are you passionate about technological topics and solutions? Are you looking for a company with values ​​and a purpose that you identify with? A company that values ​​you and enhances your development? Here in Crossjoin Solutions, you will find it all.

  • +++ 21 - 50 employees
Dec 12
Brisa – Tudo sobre o Programa de Trainees

Know everything about the Trainee Program Grupo Brisa. And don't forget, submit your application!

  • |||||| 1001 - 10000 employees
Dec 11
PIEP – Um excelente lugar para trabalhar

PIEP has great facilities and a fantastic family environment, where everyone counts and can “give wings” to their creativity, contributing to the overall success.

  • ++++ 51 - 200 employees
Dec 10
EDP – A nossa energia e paixão impulsionam um futuro melhor.

We are committed to attracting diverse profiles and including each person who joins EDP. We are looking for people who, like us, choose the Earth.

  • |||||||| 10001+ employees
Dec 08
France-Air Portugal – Cria o teu próprio caminho

We are looking for professionals who are part of our experiences and who find opportunities and conditions to make their path positive, stimulating and happy!

  • ++++ 51 - 200 employees
Dec 08
Avanade – Cresce profissionalmente num ambiente acolhedor

"At Avanade We provide technological solutions that generate innovation, better workplaces, flexibility and security." Check out the opportunities at Avanade and send your CV! Take the leap.

  • +++++ >200 employees
Dec 06
Deloitte – Nunca vais trabalhar sozinh@

Na Deloitte you will never work alone. You will be part of a network of talented people who will inspire you to do your best and transform the world.

  • |||||| 1001 - 10000 employees