Perhaps you are a student of nursing, physiotherapy or would like to be a health assistant. If you are looking for companies looking to recruit professionals in the field, find out more here.
Na GMV you don't just participate in something already built, we include you in all the discovery and contribute with your ideas!
More than an Insurance Group, we are made up of people who think about people. Committed to doing good, we present human solutions for protection, assistance and healthcare.
A NTT DATA is a leading technology, business and outsourcing consultancy that offers you a universe of possibilities for your development.
A NTT DATA is one of the 10 largest IT consultancies in the world. We offer the most innovative technological solutions to our clients. We are headquartered in Lisbon, at Atrium Saldanha, and we are also spread across the country, in several hubs of specific knowledge, in certain technologies.
Na NTT DATA, we are constantly concerned about the well-being of our employees. Find out what it's like to work here, in this article!
"At ITSector We truly feel at home, because of the people, the atmosphere and the mutual support that we feel in this team."
Be part of the team GMV it means having constant learning, in a relaxed environment, with flexible hours and in a hybrid regime. Join us!
A GMV offers innovation and technology à la carte, meeting the specific needs of customers. Join the team and transform the future!
everis NTT Data is a company that has been operating in Portugal for over 20 years and is looking for new talent in various areas of training. In this article we show you what you can expect from everis and how you can apply.
Na ITSector, we have a team specialized in digital transformation for the financial sector. If you would like to know the characteristics we are looking for to join us, read this article.