Categoria: Lisboa

Dec 30
Empresas com seguro de saúde para colaboradores

Have you ever thought about having health insurance, but think it's expensive? As there is nothing more important than health and we all know that, here are some companies that offer health insurance for employees!

  • ++++ 51 - 200 employees
Dec 30
Vantagens de ter sala de refeições na empresa

Don't want to spend money every day on eating in restaurants because you don't have a place to heat up your lunch? Would you like to have a place where you can chat with your colleagues during your breaks?

  • ++++ 51 - 200 employees
Dec 30
Parque de bicicletas gratuito: empresas que pensam no ambiente!

Caring for the environment is something we should all be concerned about, and fortunately there are companies that already do this too! Here we tell you which companies offer free bike parking.

  • ++++ 51 - 200 employees
Dec 30
Telemóvel da empresa, quais as vantagens?

Working with a company cell phone is something that not all of us value, but it can be very useful! Discover the advantages of not using your personal contact as a professional contact.

  • ++++ 51 - 200 employees
Dec 30
4 dicas para aprender mais sobre Employer Branding

The theme of Employer Branding is increasingly unavoidable, but how to gain skills in this area? About the importance of Employer Branding in companies there is already a lot of talk, but the existence of professionals in this area is becoming more and more important. There was a natural evolution of recruitment professionals, towards the more modern area of ​​talent acquisition manager, […]

  • + 1 - 5 employees
Dec 30
Employer Branding: as empresas já não são o que eram. A (r)evolução da relação empregado/empregador

The human environment of companies, which has always existed in practice, together with the (r) evolution of the employee / worker relationship, leads to the creation of companies more concerned with the happiness of their employees.

  • + 1 - 5 employees
Dec 30
Como ganhar a “guerra do talento”?

If, in the courtship between candidate and company, salary and technical skills are assumed, what can make the difference at the time of effective hiring are the benefits.

  • + 1 - 5 employees
Dec 27
Seguro de vida, quais as empresas que tem e quando se aplica?

Are you the type of person who likes to be prepared in every situation, but think life insurance is expensive? Would you like to work for a company that helps you with these situations so that you feel safer? Here we tell you which companies offer life insurance and the situations in which insurance can be activated.

  • ++++ 51 - 200 employees
Dec 27
Estrutura flat: quais as empresas onde trabalhar?

Working in a company where your opinion also counts in decisions is possible, if the company has a flat organizational structure.

  • ++++ 51 - 200 employees
Dec 27
Fruta, Snacks e Bebidas, que mais precisas?

There are companies that care about the well-being of their employees and that's why they offer you everything you might need to be productive and feel good. Here you can find out about the companies where you can find fruit, snacks and drinks!

  • ++++ 51 - 200 employees
Dec 27
Vantagens de trabalhar no centro da cidade

Do you like to be close to everything, take a walk at lunchtime or go for coffee with co-workers?

  • ++++ 51 - 200 employees
Dec 27
Empresas com espaços verdes e relaxantes

Green areas around the workplace are a great way to relax in your spare time. Do you think a company with green areas is the place to work for you?

  • ++++ 51 - 200 employees