Categoria: FÉRIAS

Dec 27
Dias extra de férias? Sim, por favor!

Most people would not mind a few extra days of vacation, in addition to the regular ones 22. Discover the companies that apply this benefit.

Dec 27
Folga no dia de aniversário: Conhece as empresas que o fazem

If you are that type of person who likes to celebrate his birthday with everything he is entitled to, surely a break on that day would be useful, wouldn't it?

Dec 12
Inetum – Positive Digital Flow

Submit your application and find your dream job or intership! A Inetum promises to offer you the opportunity of your career

  • +++++ >200 employees
Nov 24
Inetum – A Inovação no centro do nosso DNA

In a context of perpetual movement, where needs and uses are constantly reinvented, the group Inetum invests in all these factors to innovate, continue to adapt and stay ahead.

  • +++++ >200 employees
Oct 03
Prime Group Anuncia Programa de Embaixadores em Universidades Portuguesas

In the month of October, the Prime Group will kick off the first edition of its innovative college ambassador program, Bold Beginners – College Ambassadors. The central objective of this program is to establish a crucial link between future professionals and the current corporate world, thus paving the way for the next generation of leaders and innovators. […]

  • |||||| 1001 - 10000 employees
Set 27
Acciona Facility Services – Cresce with us e ACCIONA-Te

ACCIONA Facility Services offers stability, dynamism and integration into multidisciplinary teams to professionals with vision and ambition to grow.

  • |||||| 1001 - 10000 employees
Feb 01
Prime Group – O teu sucesso é o nosso sucesso.

"No Prime Group I have the necessary follow-up to develop my full potential and today I feel much more confident."

  • |||||| 1001 - 10000 employees
Jan 27
“Na Inetum, pequenos passos levam à concretização de grandes objetivos.”

A Inetum is one of the 5 largest IT services companies in Portugal and we want you to join us! Find out how you can do it in this article.

  • +++++ >200 employees
Jan 26
GKN Automotive – A inovação é incentivada, as oportunidades empolgantes e o crescimento apoiado

If you want to grow and reach new opportunities, in a multicultural environment, apply for GKN Automotive!

  • ++++ 51 - 200 employees
Jan 19
Tyson Foods – Ajuda o mundo a crescer de forma sustentável

Na Tyson Foods You have the opportunity to work for a company that is revolutionizing the way we eat, in a sustainable way. Find out all about the recruitment process here.

  • ++++ 51 - 200 employees
Jan 18
Effisus – A tua carreira internacional!

With several international projects, Effisus seeks young talents in the areas of Architecture and Design, Engineering and Industry, Marketing and Sales. This could be your job or intership opportunity!

  • +++ 21 - 50 employees
Dec 20
ACCIONA – Fazer parte de uma equipa multidisciplinar e dinâmica, numa empresa multinacional

Acciona is a multinational with activity in several sectors and where you will have the opportunity to learn and develop your skills!

  • |||||| 1001 - 10000 employees