Categoria: Fora de Portugal

Oct 11
SOMINCOR – Somos parte do Futuro!

Na SOMINCOR We look for dedication and enthusiasm, effectiveness in communication, management in ambiguity, commitment and action orientation.

  • ++++ 51 - 200 employees
Dec 12
VidaEdu – Tudo sobre interships e voluntariados internacionais

If you're looking for the experience of a lifetime, check out VidEdu and experience the cultures of every country you travel to! What are you waiting for?

  • +++++ >200 employees
Nov 24
VidaEdu – A experiência da tua vida!

Vida Edu specializes in educational experiences abroad, the focus is on finding the best particular program so that each person has a truly enriching experience. Do you want to discover which destination to follow? Talk to us!

  • +++++ >200 employees
Nov 22
GALP – Juntos podemos fazer a diferença na sociedade

Do you have good energy? Come be a part of Galp and meet people who will inspire you to create even more energy.

Nov 17
Diconium – a criar campeões digitais

Working at diconium means being valued and respected. Our well-being and work-life balance are our top priority.

  • |||||| 1001 - 10000 employees
Oct 23
Neotalent – Com uma mentalidade de career design

A Neotalent is a group company Novabase and one of the largest specialists in IT talent recruitment and management in Portugal.

  • ||||| 501 - 1.000 employees
Oct 20
Parkside – Cresce como nunca!

Welcome to Parkside, the software design and development company where every project is a journey from simplicity to complete satisfaction.

  • ++++ 51 - 200 employees
Jun 28
SOMINCOR, exploração de minério aposta em jovens

A SOMINCOR is betting on young people with high talent and potential to help the company's growth.

  • ++++ 51 - 200 employees
Feb 02
SOMINCOR – Vem fazer parte do futuro!

"To be SOMINCOR is to have the opportunity for personal and professional achievement!"

  • ++++ 51 - 200 employees
Feb 01
Neyond – New Ways To Go Beyond

Na Neyond, the focus is on people. We believe in diversity and pooling expertise as a competitive advantage. become a Neyondyour!

  • ++++ 51 - 200 employees
Jan 26
Gabriel Couto – Construímos a mudança!

"We shape the world according to people's needs and seek to build a more sustainable future in accordance with nature."

  • ||||| 501 - 1.000 employees
Jan 23
diconium – O teu lugar é aqui!

"At diconium, you work as you want. At your own pace. Regardless of time and place."

  • |||||| 1001 - 10000 employees