The following article is authored by VidaEdu included in magazine of Employers Directory 2024/25.
live to experience of international volunteering around the world in projects with animals and the environment, with children or adults, in the areas Social, education, health and many others.
You learn about the culture from the locals – you are more than a tourist. You practice English, for Cape Verde Portuguese. You have fun in your free time and contribute more than you imagine. Everyone wins: both those who are helped and those who help!
Two types of programs: all year round on a date chosen by you e in a group on a set date. For those aged 16 and over, with no limit, all professional areas and levels of education. Duration chosen by the participant, 1 to 12 weeks.
Starts all year round. Registration open.
Cape Verde, Kenya, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Ghana, South Africa, Namibia, Costa Rica, Thailand, Indonesia-Bali, India, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Nepal, Laos, Cambodia.
Find out more on our website.