Perhaps you have already had the experience of working side by side with a colleague and little (or even nothing) to know about him. Whether in the workplace or in academia, it is not a comfortable situation. In episodes like this, barriers are naturally imposed that hinder teamwork.
Team Building is an English term already well known in Portugal. translates into a set of activities in a more informal context, which aim to promote the construction of closer teams and a better communication and environment, always valuing the feeling of unity.

But what kind of activities are carried out and how often?
Activities are not necessarily expensive and complex. There are companies that invest in days outside the daily work environment, others devote only a small portion of their time to small, equally enriching activities.
Group dynamics are usually organized that somehow stimulate communication between all through role plays, challenges and games.

Which companies organize this type of events?
If you believe in the importance of teamwork, this will undoubtedly be a benefit to evaluate when looking for companies to work for. in the community Talent Portugal there are more than 250 that organize events of team building, find out which…