Descrição do evento
Visexe aims to promote contact between participants and companies, as well as socializing and exchanging experiences and knowledge among those present.
Taking into account that the City of Viseu is always ready to receive news and visibility in Portugal, both at the study and professional level, and being more and more present at the technology level, besides the institutional relations that exist, we would like to deepen the relations between students and companies by letting students know some companies that are in the technology world, namely some projects developed by the company, also promoting the possibility of receiving some contacts for future jobs.
Visexe Summit 2022 will take place in the ESTGV (Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Viseu) Auditórium in Viseu.
It will take place during May 10th, 11th and 12th, the topics of each day being IOT, Cyber Security and AI, respectively.
Event 100% FREE