Categoria: Educação e Formação

Dec 27
Empresas que recrutam na área da Educação e Formação

Job opportunities for education professionals are not limited to schools.

Oct 11
Wall Street English – Líderes no ensino de inglês em Portugal, mas não só!

At Wall Street English you will find opportunities for sustainable growth for your career, in different areas. Submit your application for intership or employment. What are you waiting for?

  • || 11 - 50 employees
Dec 12
VidaEdu – Tudo sobre interships e voluntariados internacionais

If you're looking for the experience of a lifetime, check out VidEdu and experience the cultures of every country you travel to! What are you waiting for?

  • +++++ >200 employees
Dec 11
PIEP – Um excelente lugar para trabalhar

PIEP has great facilities and a fantastic family environment, where everyone counts and can “give wings” to their creativity, contributing to the overall success.

  • ++++ 51 - 200 employees
Nov 24
VidaEdu – A experiência da tua vida!

Vida Edu specializes in educational experiences abroad, the focus is on finding the best particular program so that each person has a truly enriching experience. Do you want to discover which destination to follow? Talk to us!

  • +++++ >200 employees