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Etiqueta: Benefícios

Business benefits

Mar 26
Empresas que oferecem descontos

Find out which ones offer this benefit.

Mar 23
Hoje levo o almoço de casa para o trabalho

Eat at a restaurant or prepare meals at home?

Mar 18
Hora de viajar… com a empresa

Traveling doesn't have to be just with friends and family. There are organizations that organize business trips.

Mar 12
Viatura da empresa: as vantagens e as empresas que o oferecem

There are companies that provide vehicles to their employees. Find out which ...

Mar 08
Seguros, o que oferecem as empresas

Access to insurance is a common policy for the complementarity of the base salary. But what do companies offer after all?

Mar 01
Porque não uma aula de fitness depois do trabalho?

After an exhausting day at work, what better than time to relax and do some gymnastics? There are companies where it is possible to do this, inside doors.

Feb 27
Dias extra de férias? Sim, por favor!

Most people would not mind a few extra days of vacation, in addition to the regular ones 22. Discover the companies that apply this benefit.

Feb 26
Estas são as empresas que ficam “perto de tudo”

Can the company's environment influence the choice of a candidate?

Feb 22
Alojamento nos primeiros meses, as empresas que o oferecem

There are companies that offer accommodation nos first months? Yes and we share which ones!

Feb 14
É hora de relaxar… na empresa

Investing in spaces for relaxation has been a trend, with the aim of promoting the well-being of all employees. Discover the companies that do it here.

Feb 11
Bons equipamentos, mais produtividade

Find companies in the community here Talent Portugal and discover what each of them has to offer you, in terms of equipment.

Jan 28
Folga no dia de aniversário: Conhece as empresas que o fazem

If you are that type of person who likes to celebrate his birthday with everything he is entitled to, surely a break on that day would be useful, wouldn't it?