Who is not on social networks does not exist

Companies are paying more attention to their image as employers. Social networks are fundamental to attract talent.

Companies are paying more attention to their image as employers. Social networks are fundamental to attract talent, says Luís Sottomayor.

It doesn't happen in all sectors, not in all professions, but it is a reality. The labor market has changed in Portugal in recent years, as a result of the installation of large global service operations in the country and the emergence of national technology companies experiencing strong growth.

In this context, the so-called Employer Branding gains increasing importance. “O employer branding is a company's reputation as an employer, which of course has always existed.”

The image that the company projects as an employer becomes essential to attract the professionals it needs. And to shape this image, human resources managers work on several fronts.

Creating human, functional and fun work environments is “a fundamental calling card for talent attraction”, says Luís Sottomayor. But it is not the most important thing.

Social networks are fundamental. “Increasingly it can be said that those who are not on social networks, particularly for millennials, do not exist”, says the manager of the Talent Portugal.

The sectors where there are best practices in terms of employer branding in Portugal are those in which the lack of qualified resources is most felt, such as information technology. But there are also large national groups working hard on their reputation as employers, says Luís Sottomayor.

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