Armatis – Socially responsible

Socially responsible
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The following article is authored by Armatis included in magazine of Employers Directory 2023/2024.

Na Armatis We value not only your professional but personal growth.

We believe in the potential of our employees, which is exactly why 80% of executives and managers are promoted internally. In addition to this professional development, our main focus is excellence and optimization of customer relations and the use of innovative technologies capable of improving the entire customer experience.

The importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is increasingly recognized

The approach is perceived as a performance lever, placing the company in a dynamic of continuous improvement.
Today it is almost unthinkable not to reflect on CSR, as this concept is increasingly integrated into new business models.

Although the money factor important when looking for a job, Social responsibility Today, it plays a decisive role when choosing a company. Workers say that having a job where they can generate a positive impact is important for their happiness and emphasize the importance of working in a company with values ​​similar to theirs.

Social Responsibility is therefore one of the most valued criteria when choosing a job for millennials, a generation that currently accounts for more than 50% of the workforce. they prefer to work in companies with purpose.
In the center of commitment of Armatis There is an ambition and a strong demand in terms of social and environmental responsibility, ethics, diversity and the promotion of Human Rights, in the countries where we are and in the different cultures. We also learn to respond to the new expectations, changes and new horizons that emerge in society.

The Gender Equality Index

This is a tool developed by the European Institute for Gender Equality that measures the progress of gender equality in various areas of the economic and social life of European Union member states. According to the latest report from 2022, the Armatis achieved a score of 95,6 on 100. Gender and age diversity stands out as a major flag among 10.000 employees, of 71 different nationalities, spread across four countries.

We recycled 381 kg of toner, 14 tons of paper, 40 kg of lamps/neons and 8 tons of electrical and electronic equipment.

The different age groups are valued 21,64% are over 45 years old, 6,41% are over 55 years old and 2.35% of employees are now over 60 years old, having recognized the commitment of Armatis in attracting and retaining people with special needs (3,53%), with 99,5% of legal obligations respected and 53 jobs adapted to ensure talent retention.

In terms of gender equality, 68% of the group is made up of women and half (49%) belong to the executive board. Regarding promotions, women win 72% of opportunities. As regards leadership positions, 66% are at level 1 and 63% at level 2.

In terms of its environmental footprint, the Armatis, through its activities, adopts an environmental policy around 3 main axes that aim to reduce its environmental footprint and consequently reduce its energy use. A Armatis has reduced its carbon emissions (TCO4) by 2% over the last 50 years, reduced its electricity consumption by 20% and its gas consumption by 10%. With regard to its water consumption, the reduction was 33% and 50% in paper consumption.

The company's values ​​present a common vision of the present and the future.

By defining a common basis of identity, putting people at the center, Armatis undertakes to carry out its activity voluntarily integrating sustainable economic growth and social and environmental concerns into its development strategy, and to behave in its interactions with employees and partners. with respect and ethics, developing a culture of Corporate Social Responsibility on a daily basis and including these commitments in its Ethics Charter. A Armatis has been committed to the UN Global Compact since 2007, and is now a signatory member.

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