Axians – Digital transformation counts on you

Na Axians We want different profiles to start your career. The focus of this search is on software development. If this is your chance? Of course, it grows with each project!

The following article is authored by Axians included in magazine of Employers Directory 2023/2024.

A Axians works and promotes the adoption of new technologies in areas such as connectivity, performance, energy efficiency and data. Its methodologies are mostly human-centered and the collaborative and comfortable environment is overvalued in this company.

What do we offer to candidates?

More than participating in challenging projects, work at Axians It’s knowing that your contribution has a real impact on society.

We promote creativity, in a collaborative and comfortable environment that motivates your constant development.

What do our employees say?

I arrived at Axians Portugal for about two years, but it feels like I've been working here for much longer. The spirit of Axians this is exactly it, collaboration and solidarity, always giving its employees opportunities for growth, not only within the Axians, but also in other companies in the VINCI Group.

Daniela Moniz – Lead Data Scientist

What do we do?

Na Axians We work every day on projects that are critical to society. We operate in complex and challenging contexts, supporting our clients in the digital transformation of their businesses. We believe in talent, diversity and complementarity. We are a team of 1400 specialists in Portugal, integrated into the VINCI Group, which has more than 220.000 employees em more than 100 countries.

Tiago Roxo – Head of Human Development

What do we look for in candidates?

In addition to the technical skills that the academic education guarantees, we seek to meet creative people, with team spirit, who want to grow with each project they are part of and with self-driven mindset, especially in these times, when technology and the work tools we depend on are being renewed at a rapid pace.

Recruitment process

A Axians Portugal hires finalists from different areas who want to start their careers in software development projects.
The recruitment process involves phases of screening calls, online test application (logical reasoning, English and technical knowledge – for IT profiles) and interviews with our technical teams.

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